Gift Instructions
Providing Flexible Stewardship Opportunities.
Contributions to St. James Cathedral School are tax-deductible according to IRS guidelines and can be made using cash, check, credit card, and by transferring securities. You may donate online, by mail, or over the phone. Specifics regarding each method for giving are outlined below. Gifts to the Annual Fund should be received by June 30th of each year. We thank you in advance for your continued stewardship toward St. James Cathedral School.

Online Donation
Use our online gift giving process for added convenience. We use an encrypted system to ensure your information is secure. If you wish to process your donation manually, please check out any of the other options below.
Gift By Mail or In Person
Gifts may be made as a single donation or pledged and paid in installments. Print and sign the Annual Fund Form then mail it or drop it off in person with your gift or pledge to:
St. James Cathedral School
Advancement Office
505 East Ridgewood Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Matching Gift
Most companies that match education donations will match donations to Catholic schools. Check with your Human Resources Department to determine their requirements. Most companies either double or triple your gift. Once you receive your matching form from your employer:
- Contact the Advancement Office at Ana Crowe, Director of Advancement at 407-841-4432, ext. 151 or to notify her of your Matching Gift contribution.
- Complete appropriate section on your employer’s form (sign & date).
- Send to St. James Cathedral School with your check via mail or drop it off personally at: 505 East Ridgewood Ave, Orlando, FL 32803.
If you processed your matching gift online, our Advancement Office will verify the receipt of your gift, so that we are eligible to receive the corporate match.
Gift of Stocks
Gifts of stock are a wonderful way to give to St. James Cathedral School. If you are interested in transferring shares held in certificate form, we can help guide this process as well. Stocks are the fastest and easiest way to extend your stewardship to benefit St. James Cathedral School. It just takes a few simple steps.

Planned Giving
Planned giving is easily defined as making the decision now to make a future gift to St. James Cathedral School. Planned giving is an opportunity to give back for what you received and establish your legacy for the next generation attending St. James Cathedral School.
Gifts can be made by including St. James in your will or estate plans, thru Charitable Gift Annuities, or gifts of property. For a personal and confidential meeting to interests in Planned Giving, please contact Ana Crowe, Director of Advancement at 407-841-4432, ext. 151 or