3rd - 5th Grade
Panther Intermediate students continue to develop their communication, self-help, and problem-solving skills while engaging in project-based, hands-on, collaborative activities with classmates. Low student-to-teacher ratios enable educators to be responsive to students’ varied needs and tailor instruction appropriately. Our third graders are in self-contained classrooms, while our fourth and fifth graders are exposed to multiple teaching styles as students switch between two grade-level instructors (and rooms), allowing learners to hone organizational, studying, and executive functioning skills, preparing them for middle school. For those 3rd-5th graders who qualify and could benefit from a broader scope of curriculum at a challenging pace, we offer our Advanced Learning Program for Higher Achievement (ALPHA). A variety of technological mediums and platforms including laptops, apps, and the Microsoft365 Suite are utilized to support different learning styles and facilitate activities. All pupils participate in religion, physical education, art, music, Spanish, guidance, and technology courses.

St. James Cathedral School’s curriculum aligns with the Florida State Standards which are broad statements that describe the knowledge or ability that a student should be able to demonstrate by the end of every grade level. At the heart of a Catholic education, however, is an approach that nurtures the whole person — academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Accordingly, we evaluate all our approaches, methods, resources, and curriculum materials with the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools per the Diocese of Orlando and the Florida Catholic Conference. Our mission is far greater than a single day or a particular component of curriculum; we are forming Christians who Come to Learn. Leave to Serve.