Catholic Youth Sports
At St. James Cathedral School, athletics is a strong component of our student life. As such, we are proud to participate in the Catholic Youth Sports (CYS) program. Since 1991, Catholic Youth Sports has been dedicated to the development of youth athletics throughout the Diocese of Orlando. Their vision is to develop student-athletes in mind, body, and soul to help them grow as individuals, both physically and spiritually.
Here at SJCS, our Panther Athletic Club (PAC) builds upon the CYS vision with a program that focuses on improving skill and knowledge of a given sport, but more importantly builds confidence in our student-athletes by teaching the values of responsibility, discipline and respect. Guided by our strong Catholic values, players are taught to be lifelong champions both on and off the field. The goal every season is for each athlete to develop and improve their skill base with a focus on teamwork and sportsmanship. Grade School Sports teams (K-5th) focus on cooperative learning skills with an emphasis on basic sport understanding and fun. These ages do not have tryouts. Our Middle School Sports (6th-8th) are competitive teams and may have tryouts. For more information about CYS and our Panther Athletic Club, please contact our Athletic Directors (found below) or visit the CYS website.
Please scroll below to see FAQs regarding CYS sports.

Grades K – 5th
Athletic Director:
Mahassan Rusnak —
Sports Offerings & Seasons
Coed Soccer (Sept./Oct.)
Coed Basketball (Nov./Dec./Jan.)
Coed Track (Jan./Feb.)
Flag Football (K-5) & Volleyball (Grades 4 & 5) (Mar./Apr.)
Grade School Important Information
- Open to registered SJCS K-5th grade students
- Practice day during the week won’t be known until after registrations are completed and coaches are assigned. Practices take place on the SJCS campus, but are NOT always directly after dismissal and days/times change by sport/season/coach/facilities availability. Champions after school registration and fees apply if a parent cannot drop off or pick up their child at the start and end of practices.
- A registration period will precede the start of each new sports season and NO late registrations will be accepted for any season or child.
- CYS is run by amazing Catholic school parents like yourself! We need dedicated, qualified coaches. The following are the minimum requirements to coach:
- Must be Fingerprinted/Background checked through the Diocese of Orlando
- Must complete 3 online training courses (Sudden Cardiac Arrest; Concussion in Sports; Heat Illness Prevention provided by the AD once step one is verified)
- Must be able to conduct a practice for one’s team 1 day during the M-F work week at the school (following school directives), in addition to coaching your scheduled game(s) on the weekend
- Other important information of which to be aware:
- There are NO tryouts, and all players participate for at least 50% of a given game’s play time
- There are NO tournaments, and wins/losses are not tracked
- Practices are NOT mandatory from an attendance standpoint to participate in the weekly games
- Practice day during the week won’t be known until after registrations are completed and coaches are assigned
- Please be certain you and your child have thoroughly read the SJCS Parent & Student Handbook (that resides on the Family Portal) which details other sports policies.
Grades 6th – 8th
Athletic Director:
Stephanie Dennis —
Sports Offerings & Seasons
Girls Basketball & Boys Soccer (Aug./Sept./Oct.)
Girls & Boys Track & Boys & Girls Flag Football (Oct./Nov./Dec.)
Boys & Girls Volleyball (Dec./Jan./Feb./Mar.)
Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball (Mar./Apr./May)
Middle School Important Information
- Open to registered SJCS 6th-8th grade students. On occasion, due to low participation numbers, 5th grade students may be invited to tryout.
- A given sport’s practice day during the week will be shared approximately one week before tryouts. Most practices take place on the SJCS campus, but are NOT always directly after dismissal and days/times change by sport/season/coach/facilities availability. Champions after school registration and fees apply if a parent cannot drop off or pick up their child at the start and end of practices.
- After tryouts, a registration period will precede the start of each new sports season and NO late registrations will be accepted for any season or child.
- CYS is run by amazing Catholic school parents like yourself! We need dedicated, qualified coaches. If you have interest, please email our Middle School AD. The following are the minimum requirements to coach:
- Must be Fingerprinted/Background checked through the Diocese of Orlando
- Must complete 3 online training courses (Sudden Cardiac Arrest; Concussion in Sports; Heat Illness Prevention provided by the AD once step one is verified)
- Must be able to conduct a practice for one’s team 1 day during the M-F work week at the school (following school directives), in addition to coaching your scheduled game(s) on the weekend
- Other important information of which to be aware:
- There are tryouts.
- Practice attendance should be a priority, as playing time could be affected.
- Our middle school sports program is competitive and equal playing time is not a given. All athletes should attend every practice with a good attitude, valiant effort, excellent sportsmanship, and a willingness to be coached and improve.
- No more than 2 games can be missed during the regular season, or your child will not be able to participate in the tournament. CYS Athletic Directors will record attendance for each game. Excused absences include- illness and church or school function.
- Please be certain you and your child have thoroughly read the SJCS Parent & Student Handbook (that resides on the Family Portal) which details other sports policies, including academic grade requirements for participation and behavior expectations.
Registration & Volunteer Information
CYS exists and thrives because of the many parents who volunteer to coach and coordinate teams, and provide a fun and nurturing environment for the children of the Diocese of Orlando. Parents are encouraged to be involved with CYS as volunteers and must fulfill the requirements delineated above. All parents, coaches, players and spectators are required to uphold the League Code of Conduct.