
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Panther primary students are in self-contained classrooms, allowing teachers to truly identify learners’ strengths and opportunities for growth, while fostering a “family,” collaborative environment. Each educator has an aide, providing a low student-to-teacher ratio and class size, which enables differentiation and small group facilitation. As with all age groups at SJCS, great attention is given to developing the whole child. Students engage in center-based, hands-on learning supporting imagination, exploration, and discovery. A variety of mediums and platforms, including technology components, are utilized to support different learning styles, and all pupils participate in religion, physical education, art, music, Spanish, guidance, and technology courses.

St. James Cathedral School



  • Macy Ramsby
    Macy Ramsby
    Kindergarten Teacher
  • Marcella Crutcher
    Marcella Crutcher
    Kindergarten Teacher

1st Grade

  • Ann Marie Bridges
    Ann Marie Bridges
    1st Grade Teacher
  • Caroline Cail
    Caroline Cail
    1st Grade Teacher

2nd Grade

  • Erica Glisson
    Erica Glisson
    2nd Grade Teacher
  • Kelly Young
    Kelly Young
    2nd Grade Teacher


St. James Cathedral School’s curriculum aligns with the Florida State Standards which are broad statements that describe the knowledge or ability that a student should be able to demonstrate by the end of every grade level. At the heart of a Catholic education, however, is an approach that nurtures the whole person — academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Accordingly, we evaluate all our approaches, methods, resources, and curriculum materials with the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools per the Diocese of Orlando and the Florida Catholic Conference. Our mission is far greater than a single day or a particular component of curriculum; we are forming Christians who Come to Learn. Leave to Serve.





Macy Ramsby
Kindergarten Teacher

Marcella Crutcher
Kindergarten Teacher

Ann Marie Bridges
1st Grade Teacher

Caroline Cail
1st Grade Teacher

Erica Glisson
2nd Grade Teacher

Kelly Young
2nd Grade Teacher