Middle School
6th - 8th Grade
Middle school is a time of great physical, emotional, social, and intellectual changes, and our framework provides multiple levels of support and structure to foster growth in all areas. Panther 6th-8th graders rotate instructors and classrooms throughout the day for all core subject areas. Our rigorous curriculum offers 2 levels/tracks of mathematics courses, on-grade level and advanced (with the chance to graduate with Algebra 1) respectively, and all students participate in a weekly Math Lab tailored to meet individual students’ needs. Further, study skills and strategies are reinforced in a weekly Learning Lab or Study Hall, and variety of speakers and presentations are brought in to enhance curriculum and provide expert advice on various topics. An array of technological mediums and platforms including laptops, apps, and the Microsoft365 Suite are utilized to support different learning styles and facilitate activities/assignment submission. All pupils participate in religion, physical education, art, music, Spanish, guidance, and technology courses.

St. James Cathedral School’s curriculum aligns with the Florida State Standards which are broad statements that describe the knowledge or ability that a student should be able to demonstrate by the end of every grade level. At the heart of a Catholic education, however, is an approach that nurtures the whole person — academically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Accordingly, we evaluate all our approaches, methods, resources, and curriculum materials with the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools per the Diocese of Orlando and the Florida Catholic Conference. Our mission is far greater than a single day or a particular component of curriculum; we are forming Christians who Come to Learn. Leave to Serve.